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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Evolution Of Human By S. Asif Ali

We asked several times why the knowledge and the truth is not always the same and changing the appearance that the constant kaleidoscope. "In the same river water, we can not bathe twice," said the philosopher Heraclitus, because water flows from new all the time. " The same thing happened with the unfolding intellect. The progressive spirit and soul of people, knowledge and truth is never the same twice. Today's exercise is well advanced with some better future and we should not be ashamed of our conduct in nature. Mental and growth means to renew the soul forever, or we will be petrified intellectually if you keep still for too long, like the lower animals.

No matter how perfect and beautiful, we finish our creative work, it seems to be defective, if we want to challenge. Each letter and articles we write, we feel it is "All things are flowing" process again if you want to read a second time, the intonation of the philosophers mentioned above again. It is idle during a progressive spirit and soul can not, because it depends on exogenous dogmas in order to remain at his feet, but depends strongly on the growth of its perception. The only thing necessary for society and the State, the right express, it is of course free. Nobody has the right to control and limit the thoughts of a free citizen.

Freedom of expression is the most precious jewel of a man's body for human development and for promoting the culture of the society in general. People try to do the best for their lives if they feel alone and to investigate is omitted. This has been the target of Plato when he wrote his book "The Republic". He new very well that the mental reservations and soul are disastrous for the intellectual and spiritual progress in a progressive state. mental limitations of humanity lived in the middle of the century, the Inquisition against all freethinkers.

They created the cruel and shameful dark age in which bleeding countless martyrs of the Renaissance, have sacrificed their lives to bring freedom of expression in Europe today. growth of man is generally not travel easily and quickly to its distance travel, but often change course, that ships on the oceans, navigation zig-zag back and forth to arrive safely to their distance from the port. Is it lack not only natural and plausible to the foundation of a trip, but necessary for an intellectual and spiritual development. Our mistakes get us where we are today. All the adversity of life is essential that we continue to go even a little mentally and spiritually.

Thomas Carlyle, Scottish thinkers preferred obstacles, failures and suffering of his spiritual development. Many of us love what money can buy wealth, but we all admire, finally, what is unfortunate sometimes. Trees, plants, shrubs and flowers need to grow their aversion strongly seasonal, perfect and fertile. They are not afraid of storms, frozen, lighting and winter white carpet, but coexist with patience in the production of crops better one day. The bread dough of suffering, patiently furnaces burning lava thoroughly cooked in a delicious delicious bread. The same storms and struggles of the Cross of human nature, to mature their spirit and soul in deep thinking, love and human understanding. Stationery chiefs fear and hate all the progress of knowledge, because their ignorance and weak nature revealed. Do you prefer the comfort of the shadows as the sun burning, the burning, but still promote their growth.

He proudly took the magnifying glass and looked deep in his figs. He was shocked to see his beloved figs covered with innumerable flies. He threw a glass pedestrians shouting angrily: "Do you take stupid glass bottom Satan, he says, because without them my figs were pure, tasty and free of worms.

Dealer ossified old ideas, insisting that their products are the only pure and good for her, and all others are illegitimate and dangerous to humans. They are even willing to go to war to protect their beloved old antiques.

New ideas do not have eternal life in heaven, but they threaten a prolonged hell if they refuse. They keep their views in light, quiet and peaceful. They do not believe in violence, coercion and revenge, because all their organic assets for every human being, and we are not afraid of tough competition.
They only offer continuous work, persistent effort and courage of all the difficulties ahead in life. The only pleasure they give is that how your life will develop in conformity with the laws of nature. These natural laws are divine and every human being is sacred, these laws can freely inside too.

Holders of memories of old ideas controversial new ideas because they fear they do not comply. The old ideas have no regeneration of brain cells of man, but inclined mental block, premature aging and decomposition psychosomatic. No drug or invented to cure this terrible disease. Only with a new incarnation, it is a little hope. New ideas are free and always generates new brain cells. The only penalty that is given our personal responsibility, or we live or we lose. The salary you get when you live, it is the mental and spiritual freedom.

Posted By: S.Asif Ali

The Gnostics Believed - Asif Ali

Gnosis suppressed by the media myths. Most of the Gnostic writings are myths. The language is poetic and imaginative, so there are several interpretations. All agree the Demiurge entrapped the Spirit in matter with important implications for humans.

Gnosticism begins with the basic knowledge that earthly life is filled with suffering. To eat, consume all forms of life together, what pain, fear and death to each other. People are suffering in this world of violence that makes no sense. The Gnostic myth of the Demiurge guilty of this.

Gnostic God concept is more subtle than those of most religions. The final and true God is transcendent, beyond all created universes.

He or she "emerged" from the substance of all that is in all visible and invisible worlds. It is true that everything is God for all of God contains the substance. Some of the divine essence was so far from its original source, the expected changes in the process. All myths are based on Aeons as a being intermediate between the true God or ultimate for us.

One of the Aeon to be, Sophia (wisdom) of great importance to the Gnostic. Sophia left his consciousness flowing. The fruit of their desire was something imperfect and different from her. She was ashamed of them and threw them out of the kingdom of heaven. The term "child" was nothing of its origin and the Demiurge, or "half-maker".

Demiurge was the creator of the material and psychic cosmos. He created everything in the image of his own stream. He believed that the Gnostic Demiurge entrapped the Spirit in matter. This is the cause of the corrupt state of the terrestrial world.

Despite humanity has a perishable physical and psychological component, the spiritual aspect is a fragment of the divine nature that is the "divine spark" in the.

People are not generally set up by the divine spark in them. Death releases the divine spark from its low in prison, but if it has not done significant work of Gnosis of the soul from death, it is likely that the divine will return to slavery in the world physical wake.

Not all people are ready for spiritual Gnosis. Some limits to the earth, materialistic beings to recognize that only the physical reality. Others live largely in their minds (clairvoyant). These people confuse the true God and the Demiurge are unaware of the spiritual world beyond matter and mind.

Gnostic contradicts the theory of man is sinful by nature, but he believes the abuses committed by ignorance, by knowledge of its resources and good man can obtain salvation. The special knowledge "gnosis" was a kind of intuitive or reflexive knowledge of how to get it in the study of the human soul or inner self.

They called this gnosis logos or bright, as it leads to man "hello. Gnosis is the knowledge of transcendence in the way of inner experience came intuitively.

The main teachers of Gnosticism was Jesus who came not from the Demiurge, but directly from God and the Holy Spirit. The Gnostic Jesus taught them secret knowledge, would not share it with the general assembly of the church.